Rebecca C. Lawrence

Bar Admissions: Virginia State Bar
Education: Regent University School of Law, J.D. | University of Colorado – Colorado Springs, M.A. Counseling & Human Services with honors | Colorado State University – Pueblo, B.S. - Sociology Magna Cum Laude
Honors and Awards: Quarterfinalist – National Moot Court Competition; Second Best Brief – National Moot Court Competition | Quarterfinalist – Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competitions | Eagle Award – Negotiable Instruments & Payment Systems | Layout Editor – Regent Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy | Special Events & Public Relations Liaison – Regent Moot Court Board | Academic Merit Scholarship Recipient | I’Anson Scholarship Recipient.
Long-time clients of Wilson & Wilson Law should recognize Ms. Lawrence from her previous years of work in the firm. Ms. Lawrence is originally from Colorado, where she completed most of her education and worked as a higher education administrator.
Since coming to Virginia, Ms. Lawrence changed her career to become an advocate for those needing assistance in the law. Ms. Lawrence particularly looks forward to serving as a guardian ad litem and aiding juveniles charged with criminal offenses.
Ms. Lawrence enjoys serving throughout the community; she and her family regularly serve the homeless at the Peninsula Rescue Mission, she has performed years of coaching youth sports for both the YMCA and Upward Sports with a special passion for cheer, currently provides a pro bono legal clinic through her church.